This is a list of our pricing. These are subject to change as market value of parts change.
iPhone 16 | 175.00 - 520.00 |
iPhone 15 | 130.00 - 230.00 |
iPhone 14 | 130.00 - 220.00 |
iPhone 13 | 130.00 - 180.00 |
iPhone 12 | 120.00 - 165.00 |
iPhone 11 | 120.00 - 140.00 |
iPhone X (X, XR, XS, XS Max) | 120.00 - 140.00 |
iPhone SE 2020/2022 | 90.00 - 120.00 |
iPhone 8/8+ | 90.00 / 120.00 |
older | 70 and up |
s24 | 200.00 - 350.00 |
s23 | 260.00 - 350.00 |
s22 | 120.00 - 340.00 |
s21 | 220.00 - 320.00 |
s20 | 200.00 - 310.00 |
s10 | Call |
A series | Call |
older or J series | Call |
Call for pricing on Motorola and other brands as part prices vary. Generally starting at 100.00 and up
iPhone 14 | 130.00 - 149.00 |
iPhone 13 | 130.00 - 150.00 |
iPhone 12 | 130.00 - 150.00 |
iPhone 11 | 130.00 - 150.00 |
iPhone X (X, XR, XS, XS Max) | 130.00 - 150.00 |
iPhone SE 2020/2022 | 100.00 |
iPhone 8/8+ | 100.00 |
older | call for pricing |
s23 | 130.00 |
s22 | 130.00 |
s21 | 130.00 |
s20 | 100.00 |
s10 | 100.00 |
A series | 100.00 - 130.00 |
older or J series | call for pricing |
Call for pricing on Motorola and other brands as part prices vary. Generally starting at 100.00 and up
Other components start at 90.00 and up. Call for prices.
OS Install/Repair | 100.00 |
Hard Drive Install | 100.00 |
Hard Drive Install with OS Install | 140.00 |
Diagnostics | 60.00 |
Virus/Malware Removal | 140.00 |
Printer/Peripheral Installation | 80.00 |
OS Install/Repair | 100.00 + parts |
Hard Drive Install | 100.00 |
Hard Drive Install with OS Install | 140.00 |
Diagnostics | 100.00 |
Virus/Malware Removal | 140.00 |
Printer/Peripheral Installation | 80.00 |
Screen Repair | 100.00 + Screen cost |
Networking prices start at 100.00 and go up based on amount of devices required to be connected or configured. Call for pricing
Business repairs are charged at 100.00 per hour for the first hour and then in 30 minute blocks. Network repairs vary.
Apple Starting | 120.00 |
Samsung Starting | 120.00 |
Amazon Starting | 80.00 |
Others | Call for pricing |
Drone prices vary based on model and availability of parts for the drone. Not all drones issues are easily repaired or require manufacturer repairs.
Xbox Starting | 100.00 |
Sony Starting | 100.00 |
Nintendo Starting | 60.00 |
Others | Call for pricing |
Prices are for a 10 mile radius of Monessen, PA. Additional charge for additional Milage. Call for pricing outside this area.